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Teachers are highly skilled at meeting the needs of all pupils, through a combination of having high expectations, teaching lessons full of pace and challenge, and making outstanding use of assessment to give pupils consistently clear guidance on how well they have done and how they can improve their work.

  At Queensbridge we use assessment data to ensure lessons provide children with the knowledge and skills required to achieve well across the curriculum. Following project that was funded and supported by the Department for Education and Education Development Trust (the effect of immediate verbal feedback compared to written feedback on reading, writing and maths – a randomised controlled trial), we updated our marking system to an immediate verbal feedback system. Teachers rigorously use formative assessment within lessons to identify areas for developments and areas of success and celebration. Immediate feedback and makings allows lessons to be adapted in real time to ensure misconceptions are addressed and children can achieve learning goals.


  We also use summative assessments at three points of the year. Children complete tests in core subjects that have been standardised nationally and give an overview of the child’s knowledge and application of knowledge. Children do not sit a test in writing but are set a task that allows them to showcase their grammar, punctuation and understanding of text types. These results, used alongside formative marking within the lessons, are used to make an attainment judgement for each individual child. It is the responsibility of the teachers to identify any gaps in knowledge at a class and individual child level. 


  Judgements of a child’s attainment are moderated across the school, with senior leaders, to ensure teachers are providing accurate assessments. The data is shared with stakeholders in order to ensure pupils are making progress and to assess our performance as a school. 


  We believe exposing children to tests allows them to build resilience and develop a positive association with learning from your mistakes. Errors are an important part of learning and provide important information on where a child is on their learning journey. On the whole, children enjoy taking part in the tests and feel they allow them to showcase their knowledge and progress. Testing is a statutory part of the education system, below are the national assessments we have to administer within the school: 


National Primary Assessments 


  • Reception: Baseline assessment are completed during children’s first six weeks of school. 

  • Year 1: Phonics screening check is completed in June.

  • Year 2: KS1 SATs are taken in May. These include reading and maths test papers.

  • Year 4: Multiplication Tables Check is completed in June. 

  • Year 6: KS2 SATs are taken in May. These include spelling, SPaG, Maths and Reading tests. 

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