Wellbeing and Pastoral care
The use of Restorative Practice by all staff ensures that children feel listened to and that they have a chance to give their side of things even when they are in the wrong.
At Queensbridge we believe that healthy well rounded children have the best chance of achieving success at school and in the wider community. Children need to feel happy, safe and valued and that they are treated fairly. The school’s commitment to this runs through all strands of school life.
In the curriculum there is an emphasis on PSHE – Personal, Social, Health Education – including circle times in class where children can talk about social issues at school.
Pupil voice is an important aspect of life at Queensbridge. We have an active School Council where children learn to discuss issues and talk about ways to improve their school. We offer Debate Mate, an after school activity promoting debating skills and giving the children the opportunity to take part in regular debates here and to compete against other schools.
The use of Restorative Practice by all staff ensures that children feel listened to and that they have a chance to give their side of things even when they are in the wrong. Children are encouraged to take responsibility and to be part of the fixing process in matters of their behaviour. When things are not going well we think it’s important that children are able to talk about it.
Peer Mediators are trained in conflict resolution to help sort out problems at school. Prefects and Playground Buddies are roles that the children take very seriously and give the children valuable life skills.
Throughout school life we are always looking for opportunities to check that children are feeling positive and enjoying school. We offer a wide range of extra curricular activities to give all children a chance to shine. Our Pastoral Care Manager and our Learning Mentors are always on hand to work with groups or individuals who may need a bit of extra support at school.
A wide range of music, drama and performing arts shows, activities and workshops offer opportunities for self expression in many different ways.