Our School Offer
Queensbridge Primary: Our School Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disability [SEND]
Queensbridge Primary School prides itself on its high level of inclusion and outstanding outcomes for SEND children. We are a highly inclusive school and believe that all children should fulfil the potential regardless of needs.
Our teachers strive to work alongside families to overcome any barriers that may exist both academically and socially.
Queensbridge Primary School’s staff believe every child can achieve their very best increasing their happiness. And happy children make good, more confident learners! We treat all children equally and celebrate children’s different backgrounds. We are committed to providing the best education in our caring and supportive environment. We believe in fostering a partnership approach with an open, clear and respectful dialogue with parents. If you have concerns about your child’s learning, then we welcome you to discuss these with their class teacher or Jadedene French (SENDCO).
We are very proud of our inclusive community at Queensbridge. Children have a broad range of support needs and backgrounds, including children with learning disabilities and autism some of whom are supported by our specialised Autism Research Provision. All care is taken to make sure lessons are accessible and enjoyable for all children.
The class teacher is regularly available to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have. Sharing information about what is working well at home and at school helps us provide consistent, child-centred strategies which empower your child. If you have been working with the SENDCO, or our inclusion team they will also be available to meet with you about your child. If you feel your child has a particular need the team will work alongside the family in pursuing the relevant diagnostic routes and signposting families to the relevant support.
We follow the recommendations made in diagnostic reports and will work alongside Hackney Education in providing research based interventions across the school. These include:
· Zones of Emotional Regulation – Helping children to talk about and understand their feeling;
· Colourful Semantics – Helping children understand and structure sentences; and
· Lego Therapy – Supporting children’s ability to work in small groups and develop language
The school works very closely with the Local Authority and with Hackney Education’s professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists, Specialist Teachers and Educational Psychologists in providing a rich curriculum for children with an identified need. We also work alongside these professionals in identifying needs as children move through the school.
Thank you for reading this overview about how we help all children feel included and well-supported at Queensbridge. If you have any questions please get in touch with us.
Ofsted November 2019
The school makes effective provision for pupils with SEND. In the additionally resourced provision for pupils with autism, pupils’ needs are carefully identified. Expert support is well targeted. Parents appreciate the wider support, including regular coffee mornings, which the school offers. Across the school, there has been a recent and significant increase in the number of pupils with SEND. Their needs are identified promptly so that appropriate support is in place, enabling them to access the same curriculum as their peers. As a result of this work, pupils with SEND achieve well.