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Our admission arrangements are as follows:

In Year Admissions


All in year school admissions from Reception to Year 6 are handled by Hackney Education Please visit this page for further information. The school does not have access to the waitlist and all queries must be directed to the Admissions Team at Hackney Education.



Reception Class Places for next academic year


Next year’s Reception places are applied for on-line at

The application process opens in the October of the academic year before your child is due to start Reception and closes in early January.


If you would like to visit our school please  check our website in September when we advertise our tour dates.





You can apply for a nursery place at our school once your child is two and a half.  You can download the form from The Hackney Education site here Nursery application form or visit The Hackney Education website. We also have some printed forms in the school office that you can come in to collect.


Applications for the Nursery must be made in person as we need to see originals of proof of address and your child’s birth certificate or passport.


Places at our school nursery are part time morning or afternoon, however we also offer full day places to children of working parents who are entitled to a government funded full day place. Click here for more information about funded places and to see if you are entitled


You are not guaranteed a nursery place and one of the major factors in giving out places is proximity to school.  A place in the school nursery does not guarantee a place in the school.









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