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As part of their computing curriculum our children are encouraged to be creative and exploratory, using technology purposefully to make a range of digital content

Computing Vision


At Queensbridge our aim is to provide an aspirational and innovative Computing Education which will equip our pupils to harness technology in a safe, purposeful and creative way.


We follow the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) Teach Computing curriculum which aims to transform the way that computing is taught in schools to ensure that our children are secure in a range of skills. Each year group study modules that span Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology. The NCCE is designed by experts in the computing field and teachers to ensure that lessons have clear progression and provide children with a range of knowledge and skills.


We also ensure that e-safety is taught explicitly as well as being continuously embedded into all our lessons. Children all agree to and sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) at the beginning of the year to ensure they understand the expectations within lessons. In KS2 we use Google’s Be Internet Legends site and programme of study to ensure our children are confident in staying safe online. We also continuously embed the expectations set out in the Education For A Connected World framework to highlight what children need to know about online safety and what they can do to help them navigate an increasingly digital world.


We also ensure that as many of our lessons as possible are cross curricular and have a range of devices to take out of the computing suite and into the classroom. Computing can support all our children to learn and work efficiently and our computing hardware helps us present written work, research foundation subjects and create a range of digital artwork.


With the aim providing a rich and exciting curriculum which stretches beyond the classroom we provide opportunities for children throughout the school to take part in a range of exciting trips and projects such as BETT, STEAM Day (Science Technology Engineering Art and Maths). We have volunteers from within our parent community as well as business partners who have run projects in school such as BBC Micro:bits and Lego Robots.


We have a team of dynamic ‘Digital Leaders’ (DLs) recruited from amongst our Key Stage 2 Pupils.  Each year a new cohort applies for these prestigious positions and is interviewed by Governing Body.   Our DLs have responsibility for driving forward innovation in technology at school and promoting online safety and how to use technology safely and responsibly.  

Their roles also include:

·         Researching, investigating and reviewing new software and hardware

·         Supporting Teaching and Learning in classes across the school

·         Liaising with Digital Leaders in other schools


We have a variety of after-school clubs which link to the Computing Curriculum, including Animation and Coding Club, as well as whole school cross-curricular projects such as – ‘Bringing Writing Alive’ where children’s stories are animated using stop motion animation.

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