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Autism Resource Provision

Our aim for the ARP is to offer additional support in helping the children access mainstream education and best prepare them for Secondary School and beyond..

Queensbridge Primary School is excited to have opened its ARP (Autism Resource

Provision) since September 2020.


It helps to  provide an excellent support for an additional 10 children who have

been diagnosed with autism and have an EHCP (Education, Health, Care Plan).


Our aim for the ARP is to offer additional support in helping the children access mainstream education and best prepare them for Secondary School and beyond.

We want to create a happy and inspiring environment with highly skilled and trained staff that help to support children thrive and achieve their true potential.


How do I know if my child would fit the criteria for an ARP?


Criteria for being considered for a place at one of Hackney’s Specialist Autism Provisions


  • The child has a diagnosis of ASD.

  • There is an EHC Plan in place.

  • An Annual Review has been held, at which referral to Specialist Autism Provision Panel has been discussed.

  • Needs are not being met appropriately in the current setting, and autism is the primary barrier to successful placement.

  • Evidence is provided of what has been done already, with a list of professionals that have been involved, and reports.

  • Parents have requested that specialist autism provision is considered for their child.


Being a pupil at Queensbridge Primary does not ensure your child a place at the ARP. This is done through the Hackney Education and is not based on the schools decisions or preference. If you would like to view the ARP then you can contact or phone the school and ask to speak to Jadedene French.


What support would my child receive in the ARP


For most children within the resource base, they spend a large proportion of time in the mainstream class learning alongside their peers. The Early Years and National Curriculum is differentiated and adapted to meet the children’s needs and ensure they can make progress in all areas. In class, teachers and teaching assistants use visual, auditory and kinaesthetic resources to enhance learning, as well as using symbols, pictures, Makaton signs and PECS to enable children to understand tasks and support all learners. Turn-taking, social interaction and other social skills are embedded in mainstream teaching, as well as being a focus for small groups, as this is often an area of difficulty for a lot of children. This is consistent with the strategies that will be used within the ARP.


Children  share playtimes and teaching with their mainstream peers. Within the ARP children have opportunities to work on a one-to-one or a small group with the specialist ARP teachers. Children also benefit from the support from Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Educational Psychologists on site, and this depens on the support package outlined in their EHC plan.


There is a breakout spaces provided for children who may have difficulties with the sensory regulation and there are opportunities for the child to use to ARP for unstructured sections of the day such as eating their lunch.





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