Your Child
Queensbridge Primary prides itself on its inclusivity
Queensbridge Primary prides itself on its inclusivity. We have a long history
of successfully supporting children with a wide range of different needs and
all practises across the school are underpinned by this.
The opening of the ARP will not alter this desire that all children will learn
side by side.
Children who have a place at the ARP will still a large section of their learning
in the mainstream setting and alongside their peers.
In addition, all children will be welcome to engage in interventions within the ARP. Social interactions will be supported by interventions that will be led by the Speech and Language Therapists.
All children with a place at the ARP will also learn alongside their peers within the mainstream classroom
All children in the school will be welcomed into the ARP to learn alongside children with an allocated place
Dependent on your child’s needs, they will be encouraged and supported during playtime and lunch break to take part in structured games that will build on children’s social interactions and help them gain independence.
Clubs and Trips
All children at Queensbridge Primary School are entitled to attend school trips, after school clubs and to be included in activities at school where the level of risk has been assessed. Appropriate reasonable adjustments will be made in order to ensure this.