Involving parents
As a school we pride ourselves on giving both the child and the parents a voice
As a school we pride ourselves on giving both the child and the parents a voice.
We regularly have Coffee Mornings and invite parents to suggest and host
sessions that they feel would benefit our school community.
Each year at Queensbridge Primary School there are three parents’ evenings
a year where all parents/carers have a time slot to meet with their child’s
class teacher to discuss their progress in all areas of the curriculum.
This offers an excellent opportunity to find out what progress your child is making.
In addition to meeting your child’s class teacher you will have the opportunity to meet termly with the SENCO alongside the class teacher to review and set SEND targets and monitor progress. As the child is accessing the ARP you will also offered the opportunity to have a termly drop in session to discuss the provision within the ARP.
As your child has an EHCP they will have an Annual Review where all professionals that work directly with the child will be invited to plan and set targets for the year and to review the Outcomes that had previously. This will also offer an opportunity to review the provision that your child receives and gives a platform for yourselves and your child to discuss progress being made.
Our ARP is a new facility and we hope to offer a unique insight for parents to access the interventions that take place. We will offer opportunities to come and observe 1:1 interventions that will be viewed through a one-way mirror where you will be able to see how our staff and the Speech and Language Therapist supports your child.
We hope to offer support and training for parents and support them to access the Local Offer (https://www.hackneylocaloffer.co.uk/kb5/hackney/localoffer/home.page)