Different Types of Support
What are the different types of support available for children with SEND in Queensbridge?
In the classroom
At Queensbridge there is outstanding class practice throughout each key stage. Class teachers have a track record of excellent targeted in-class support. We believe children learn best alongside their peers in a calm language-rich environment.
For your child this would mean
· The teacher has a strong knowledge of your child’s need and learning style
· Differentiated work and resources ensure your child can access the learning and achieve their highest potential
· All teaching builds on what your child already knows, can do and can understand. Creating confidence is key to
a good approach to learning
· Different teaching methods, such as practical learning, ensure your child is fully involved in their learning in
class. The class team includes the class teacher, teaching assistants an support assistants. The team supports and
scaffolds your child’s learning in the right way at the right time??
· Specific child-centred strategies (which may be designed and implemented by the SENDCO or external
professionals staff) are used to support your child to learn well
· Your child’s progress is checked and reviewed regularly so we can understand what is working well
Outside the classroom
The school is inclusive and we are proud that all children learn together of the mainstream classroom. At times your child might need to attend one of the many effective interventions embedded across the school. These are usually in small groups or on a 1-to-1 basis and are for a fixed period. All interventions are child-centred and the school will happily discuss your child’s progress. The intervention would be informed by the Speech and Language Therapists and Specialist Teachers and would be monitored by the SENDCO and class teacher.
Parent Support
We run family groups to help bring parents together and support them in supporting their children. Specialist Teacher’s and Speech and Language Therapists run fortnightly parent sessions to help discuss strategies around autism.
If you are still concerned
If you have concerns about your child’s progress you should speak to your child’s class teacher initially. The class teacher can make a referral to the SENDCO or learning mentors. If you are not happy that the concerns are being managed and that your child is still not making progress you should speak to the SENDCO or another member of the Inclusion Team directly. They are often visible in the playground or an appointment can be made by ringing the school office [02072541186]