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You can apply for a place once your child is two and a half

Queensbridge Nursery offer a warm, friendly and safe environment where we attend to your child’s whole development and learning experience – forming relationships and feeding their natural curiosity. We use singing to enhance language skills, healthy exercise - ‘5 a Day’ to promote physical development, art and ‘active storytimes’ to develop literacy skills, construction, messy play and trips to develop their understanding of the world while building the early foundations of numeracy.


Every child deserves the best possible start in life. Our Early Years provision aims to be creative and motivating, nurturing a love and curiosity for learning and developing well-rounded, independent individuals who are curious about the world around them. Through playing and learning, they find out more themselves and the world around them. The children learn through a wide range of meaningful, multi-sensory, practical activities within a rich, creative environment in both indoor and outdoor learning environments. 


We aim to provide this by looking at what the children can do and supporting them to fulfill their potential, interests and needs. We aim for the children to become independent learners through the provision of a balance of child initiated and adult led experiences. Through continual and careful observation and assessment of the children, we are able to plan meaningful, motivating and personalised learning which the children can enjoy and be challenged by, such as providing opportunities for ‘wow moments’ to provide meaning and purpose to their learning.


In Nursery all children have their own ‘Learning Journey’ profile. This special book shows how your child is learning, interacting and developing in all 7 areas of learning:-

  • Communication and language development. ...

  • Physical development. ...

  • Personal, social, and emotional development. .

  • Literacy development. ...

  • Mathematics. ...

  • Understanding the world. ...

  • Expressive arts and design..


We will regularly look through this book with your child. This provides them with a starting point for talking about shared memories. The profile book will include photographs, observations and work by your child.  


Early Years provision at Queensbridge works in partnership with parent/carers. We promote parental contribution and celebrate the shared experiences collaboration brings. We have a box in nursery for parents to post any ‘wow moments’ or home learning experiences with the staff at Queensbridge. We value parents and carers contributing to your child’s profile book and sharing in their learning. The staff are also certified for ‘Parent Champion’ for ‘Your Child’s Journey 0-5’ to guide you with your child’s journey, including key information like immunisations and developmental stages.

Ofsted January 2024

In early years, adults provide a warm, caring and secure environment for children. They help children to understand and follow routines. Children are taught to recognise different emotions. They learn about being friendly, sharing and helping each other. As a result, they behave exceptionally well. Adults consistently model how to use language accurately. They also expertly ask children in order to develop their thinking and use of language.

How to apply

You can apply for a nursery place at our school once your child is two and a half. 

You can download the form here Nursery application form. We also have some printed forms in the school office that you can come in to collect.

Applications for the Nursery must be made in person as we need to see originals of proof of address and your child’s birth certificate or passport.

Places at our school nursery are part time morning or afternoon, however we also offer full day places to children of working parents who are entitled to a government funded full day place. Click here for more information about funded places and to see if you are entitled

You are not guaranteed a nursery place and one of the major factors in giving out places is proximity to school.  A place in the school nursery does not guarantee a place in the school.

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