The interventions and curriculum offer for pupils in the ARP are reviewed by the SENCO and Head of the ARP
The interventions and curriculum offer for pupils in the ARP are reviewed by
and Head of the ARP alongside the Speech and Language therapist termly.
The provision map for each child in the ARP is different, as it is tailored
to the child’s individual needs need’s.
All children will:
Have a higher ratio of adult to child support than in typical mainstream classrooms.
Be supported by staff who have extensive training and experience in Autism Spectrum Disorders and work across the school and ARP
Have access to Hackney Speech and Language services.
Be planned for and assessed using the SCERTS model.
Attend both ARP and Mainstream taught sessions.
Some children might:
Be taught in small intervention groups based in the ARP.
Have a mainstream class ‘toolkit’ to support their independent access to the curriculum.
Attend differentiated lessons within the mainstream to support their access to the curriculum. ARP intervention offer – curriculum offer Please see the school website for a brief summary of each intervention
The ARP will also have capacity to support the teaching of Life Skills with a specially built kitchen. There will also be a top of the range sensory room and soft play area to support the child’s sensory regulation and support the child in learning to play alongside their peers.